Klaus Hommels - Top 10 Health Startups of Germany

Germany's healthcare sector has experienced a rise in companies offering creative solutions to better patient care, advanced medical research, and expedited administrative processes. Referring to health startups in Germany, Klaus Hommels, through his venture capital firm Lakestar has made significant investments in health startups as well. The firm has invested in its portfolio company known as aware which revolutionized the healthcare industry by offering individualized, digital, quick, and accessible checkups. Let’s explore the “Top 10 Health Startups of Germany”.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Ada Health: An AI-powered symptom checker created by Ada Health employs machine learning algorithms to offer individualized health assessments. Ada Health raised $90 million in 2021 to increase patient care and broaden its service offerings.  

aware: This portfolio firm (a health startup) of Lakestar received $15 million in seed funding to revolutionize the healthcare sector by providing personalized, digital, rapid, and accessible checks. The organization, founded by Lakestar, employs blood tests and biomarkers to provide a comprehensive picture of a patient's health based on their unique data. According to Klaus Hommels, Lakestar is happy to be back aware as it launches its app in private beta and gives users control over their health by making checkups more individualized, digital, quick, and accessible.

Mimi Hearing Technologies: An app for customized audio optimization was created by Mimi Hearing Technologies. It was founded by Henrik Matthies, Nick Clark, Pascal Werner, and Philipp Skribanowitz on Jan 9, 2014. The software builds a user's unique hearing profile and adjusts sound output using machine learning and big data analytics. Mimi Hearing Technologies collected $27 million in 2021 to provide accessibility to hearing devices and expand its services.  

nu3: An online store called nu3 provides individualized nutrition items and recommendations. Nu3 raised €20 million in 2021 to increase client accessibility and diversify its product offerings. It was founded by Robert Sünderhauf.  

Huma is a digital health platform that offers patients individualized care, remote monitoring, and patient-reported data. To broaden its services throughout Europe and enhance patient care outcomes, Huma raised $130 million in 2021.  

Inveox: A computerized platform for managing tissue samples was created by Inveox. Inveox raised €17 million in 2021 to increase its service offerings and capacity for medical research.  

Temedica: Temedica is a digital health platform that provides telehealth services and apps tailored to particular diseases. Temedica raised €17 million in 2021 to increase its service offerings and enhance patient outcomes.  

Kry: Kry is a health IT firm that provides its clients with digital prescriptions and telehealth services. Kry collected €262 million in 2021 to broaden its services around Europe and increase healthcare accessibility.  

A portal for healthcare recruiting called Medwing aids in the job search for medical professionals. 2021 saw Medwing raise €28 million to increase services and enhance hiring procedures.

M-sense: M-sense created a digital platform for managing migraines. The software provides symptom tracking and individualized treatment programs. To increase its offerings and enhance patient results, M-sense raised €15 million in 2021.  

 The top 10 startups in Germany's healthcare sector are showcasing potential advancements in the use of AI, machine learning, and big data analytics for individualized care and enhanced medical research.